Minutes of the Annual Meeting – 2021
We had a great on-line annual meeting yesterday (04/09/2021) as per schedule. Nice to see more than 25 people joining the same. The meeting was quick but we could take the following decisions –
a) Durga Puja to be held online – Considering the current serious COVID-19 situation and the ongoing restrictions in Bangkok, it was unanimously agreed to have this year’s Durga Puja organized at our Priest Mrinmoy’s house in Budge Budge (near Kolkata), West Bengal, India. We will try to show online the main part of the puja, Sandhi Puja etc. so that Bharatians, if they wish, may offer Pushpanjani digitally and also view some of the key puja activities. Such details will be communicated closer to the date.
b) Committee – As most of the sub-committees could not perform as per the schedule last year due to the pandemic it was also unanimously agreed to keep the same committee of last year so as to allow the members to organize their respective activities this year.
Thus there will be no change in the existing committees.
c) Annual Contribution – As Bharati collects annual membership to organize various activities throughout the year, it has been decided that against our annual membership fee of (THB 7000 for family and THB 3500 single) a token of THB 4000 per family and THB 2000 for single membership will be collected as membership fees for 2021- 2022. This will help to cover some of the activities including the puja at Kolkata.
Once the pandemic situation improves and restrictions are relaxed, all committees would try to organise some kind of events to the best of their ability to get Bharatians together again.
Members are requested to send their contribution to the following bank account:
Jay Shankar Mukherjee
A/C number – 059-8-21617-7
Bank – Kasikorn Bank
Once the money has been transferred please send the remittance slip to either of the treasurer – Mr. Jayanta Chakraborty or Mr. Soumen Bose. Please note, no cash collection will be made like last year.
The meeting ended wishing everyone a safe and healthy stay in Thailand.

Waste time carefully! It’s precious …
💞 Prefer to say ‘Oops’ rather than ‘What if’
🥀Limited edition crackpot
❣ Free spirit
❣ Wandered into my home & ❤ it