
Bharati Annual Meeting and Committee Formation 2024-26

Bharati held its Annual Meeting for the year 2024 – 2025 on the evening of 9th of June’24 at the 2nd floor of India Thai Chamber of Commerce.  Please see below the minutes of the meeting:

The meeting begun with the Treasurer’s update on the income and expenses for the entire year of 2023 – 2024. The trend for arrival of new members shows a downward trajectory due to the current market trends.

Following decisions were taken in the meeting:

  1. Annual Membership fees remain the same.
    • Family – ฿ 10,000.
    • Single – ฿ 5,000.
  2. The bank account for Bharati will remain the same and we request members to transfer their membership fees for 2024-2025 into this account.
    • Bank: Kasikorn Bank
    • Account Number: 059-8-21617-7
    • Account Holder’s Name: Jay Shankar Mukherjee
  3. New committee for 2024-2025
  4. The details and dates for Durga Puja will be shared soon.
  5. Additional budget to be decided as required for the light and sound of cultural programs during Rabindra Jayanti.
  6. Sponsorship Packages to be decided and shared for Durga Puja. Everybody is encouraged to bring sponsorship for Durga Puja.
  7. Discussed the possibility of collaboration with Tourists to attend Durga Puja at Bharati in Bangkok.
  8. Discussions required for crowd management during event meals as well as during Durga Puja Bidaye using QR codes.
  9. It has been noticed in the last year that due to various reasons members were unable to come even after confirming. This led to a lot of food wastage. This year we must consciously make sure that we do not waste food. If anyone confirms for an event and is unable to attend, they should at least inform the group they are connected to at least 24 hours in advance. People need to take responsibility to avoid food wastage.
  10. If anyone among the members is interested in joining any of the committees to help, please feel free to contact them directly.

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