
Gentle Reminder on Annual Membership!

We circulated a request to all of you as a part of the annual Puja Meeting Minutes to pay up the interim Annual Membership fees. Please note that, the Bharati annual membership subscription stands at Baht 7,000 per family and Baht 3,500 for single members. We request the members to pay initially an interim membership subscription of Baht 5,000 and 2,500 respectively and the amount is to be deposited in Kasikorn bank account no 059-8-21617-7 only. Please share the deposit slip to either of the treasurers.

As a new process, we intend not to collect any subscription in cash.

You are requested to make the contributions within September 2020. If you have already deposited the amount, please ignore the email. If you have already deposited the amount but not informed either of the treasurer please inform the same to them with proof of remittance.

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